Friday, January 21, 2011

First Service @ CAC Granbury

Finally, the day had arrived! After three months of exciting and challenging work, the little building that has been everything from a game room to a tattoo parlor, now looked like a nice little church building. The walls nicely painted, decorations in place, chairs lined in neat rows, a sound system in place, refreshments available, and a Sunday School lesson and sermon all ready … now all we needed was people to come!

Thankfully they came! What a nice feeling for people to come through the doors. The first lady who came , walked in and handed us an offering. She said, "I want to be the first one to give an offering." It wasn't much, but it was huge! As they continued coming we ended up with a total of 19 people in attendance (including my Brother-in-law and family who are not in the picture above).

Service went well. We had a good time of worship, a bit of singing and illustrated sermon for the kids and preaching! As we prayed at the conclusion of the service there were tears and people hungry for God. One of the ladies informed us she had no Bible. When we told her we were getting her one, she asked, will you help me understand it? !!! She is also wanting to be baptized, so we will be having our first baptism real soon!

Please keep us in your prayers! God is going to do a great work throughout Hood County, beginning at Oak Trail Shores (our Community), into Granbury and into all of the county! May the Lord raise up an army to declare His kingdom has come!